Lanslots, I. (2021). Migration: Crossing Borders in Graphic Enactments. In: Transnational Narratives of Migration and Exile. Perspectives from the Humanities, Chapt. 7., (130-147). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Lanslots, I., Dupré, N. (2020). Framing U.S.-Mexican Borderlands: Phillip Rodriguez’ Visual Aesthetics. Cadernos de Traduçao, 40 (special issue), 157-171.
Lanslots, I. (2019). ‘Il volo’. Wim Wenders’ short documentary on hybrid space in Calabrian shrinking cities. Borderlands, 18 (1), 1-11.
Sanchez, A., Lanslots, I., Van Hecke, A. (2019). Documenting Juan de Oñate’s Diminishing Influence over the Southwest: The Last Conquistador on El Paso’s Trialectics of Spatiality. Forma: revista d’estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament, 18, 67-80.
Sanchez, A., Lanslots, I., Van Hecke, A. (2019). The Last Conquistador of El Paso, Texas: Valadez and Ibarra’s Documentary Portrait of a Paradigmatic City. Journal for Literary and Intermedial Crossings, 4, Art.No. C1-21.
Lanslots, I., Van Hecke, A. (2018). Bridging the gaps in Southern California: Multicultural spaces throughout the works of Alejandro Morales. In: D. Vandebosch, T. D’haen (Eds.), Literary Transnationalism(s), Chapt. 13, (192-204). (Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature, 89). Leiden/Boston: Brill / Rodopi.
Lanslots, I., Van Hecke, A. (2016). Building Stories on ‘The Brick People’: Mapping Alejandro Morales’s Otherness in Documentary and Fiction. The Journal of Internationalization and Localization, 3 (2), 182-195.
Lectures & Presentations
Lanslots, I. (2021). Graphic Narratives on Migration. Blurring Border(land)s and Identities: Creativity and Multilingualism. Invited by Eliana Maestri (University of Exeter). Presented at the TRANSLATION FEST Webinars La traduzione tra teoria e pratica Translation Studies between Theory and Practice (II edition) May 11th – 14th 2021 Università di Ferrara & University of Exeter, Webinar, 11 May 2021-14 May 2021.
Lanslots, I., Van Hecke, A., Sanchez, A. (2018). Border Towns Revisited: Documentaries on the Divided Towns along the Mexican-American Wall. Presented at the Languaging Diversity 2018, KU Leuven, Antwerp, 27 Sep 2018-29 Sep 2018.
Lanslots, I. (2018). Graphic novels and multilingualism: lost in migration. Presented at the Migration, Identity, and Translation Network (MITN) May 24th – 26th 2018 University of Warwick.
Van Hecke, A., Lanslots, I., Adriaensen, B. (2016). Nuevas narraciones sobre la frontera: la representación de la migración de América Latina a los Estados Unidos en documentales recientes (1995-2015). Presented at the México en Bélgica, Universiteit Antwerpen, Centrum voor Mexicaanse Studiën, 23 May 2016-24 May 2016.